Speaking on a panel at Advertising Week’s ADARA Stage at Time’s Center, Adam Kleinberg, CEO of Traction, said the definition of “creative” has changed. “I don’t know if I even consider banner ads creative anymore. The truly big creative ideas are the things that differentiate brands and make them go beyond monetary gains,” Kleinberg said.
Fifty Years Forward
“At the end of the day, we all have to check our privilege,” said Director of 1215creative Jenn Duoug, speaking on a panel on “The Cultural Revolution” at B.B. King.
A Discussion on Gender-Conscious Media
Saujani is the Founder & CEO of Girls Who Code, an organization with a mission to flood the tech job pipeline with well-trained women and compensate for the lack of diversity in that sector.
Marketing to the Millennial Traveler
Taking the stage in Lucille’s at B.B. King, Lynn Bader, VP North America for ADARA, explained the topic of her talk: Marketing to the Millennial Traveler, courting that prized demographic.