I can’t compare and contrast what it was like to lead a company before and during the pandemic, but I can share three lessons I learned during this time that my team and I will carry forward into the future.

Risky Business: How to Thrive in the Chaotic Digital Marketing Ecosystem
If 2020 was the year of upheaval, 2021 is the year of progression. Businesses and marketers need to be pushing forward. Now is the time to dominate your industry and tackle influence, attention and profits.

The Creative Lens: A Special Kind of Agency
New Zealand-founded agency Special Group has recently taken out Campaign UK’s Global Creative & Independent Agency of the Year award. Founder, Tony Bradbourne, reveals some of the secrets of its internationally renowned creative.

All You Need to Know About Advertising Week APAC 2021
Advertising Week APAC is planning a safe return with a hybrid event in 2021. This year, as ever, the safety and comfort of delegates, partners, speakers and staff will be a top priority.

The Best I’ve Ever ‘Ad with Brett Armstrong, TikTok ANZ
Ahead of AWAPAC 2021, Advertising Week presents a Q&A with Brett Armstrong, General Manager, Global Business Solutions, TikTok ANZ

Who Are The Zenners? Discovering The Generation Missing Out On The Advertising Action
There is still only a very limited number of brands that use older people in their content for products and services that aren’t age-related. Brands are often too quick to assume that younger demographics are the only ones engaging with digital.

Why TV Ads Are Still King
Consumers are devoting their time to an ever-more diverse portfolio of devices and formats, so it can be tempting to assume that traditional formats must have lost some of their shine; mass digitization during the pandemic has only fueled these assumptions.

Expressing Certainty in Social Media Messages Engages Consumers
As COVID-19 lockdowns begin to ease, global digital immersion has become impossible to ignore – and social media has quickly become the lifeblood of every brand’s marketing strategy.

The Future of Live Events
2020 marked a trying time for us all. As we inch closer to the pandemic’s end, can we look back and call out the inspiring moments associated with it too?

The Friends Reunion: Four New Marketing Insights about 50+ Consumers
For many Gen Xers and Boomers like myself, Friends was a cultural touchstone; it reflected who we were as twenty- and thirty-somethings before it signed off in 2004.

Capturing The Spirit Of Summer 2021 With Intelligent Creative
A combination of the roadmap out of lockdown and an effective vaccine rollout means UK consumers are starting to envisage a more positive future.

Driving Client Growth in 2021
Here are 5 significant commerce media opportunities that you can try with your clients – all with multiple important benefits.