There are millions of small businesses (SMBs) working hard every day to carve out a place for themselves in the United States. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, in 2018 there were 30.2 million small businesses that employed 47.5 percent of the U.S. workforce, and that number continues to grow.
Why Clicks Are No Longer King in SEO
In today’s ultra-savvy and sophisticated world, content is king, and clicks have been demoted to commoner status.
A Real Understanding of How Consumers Feel About Advertising
92% of US consumers say that they still find targeted mobile advertising ‘annoying’. This is just one finding from the world’s largest consumer research of its kind, named “The Reality Report.”
5 Ways to Gather Consumer Insights Before you Launch Your Business
Before launching your small business, it’s important you understand your customers’ buying behavior and why they prefer your product or service.
Using Ad Customizers to Personalize Your Google Search Ads
Google offers tools that allow us to create text ads that update dynamically based on the terms someone is searching, his location, day of the week, device & more at a large scale.
Driving Performance with In-Market Audiences
What In-Market audiences are and how to use them.
Using Google Tools to Understand Audience & Drive Performance
Understanding your customer personas, will help you tailor your digital marketing efforts and set your campaign targeting effectively.
Company Culture: 5 Steps for Every Small Business
Company culture matters, and it’s more than just free stuff and social events.
Is App Apathy Hurting Your Marketing?
Are you reaching your audience directly through mobile apps? If not, there is a whole new digital market that remains, literally, untapped.
The Most Powerful Marketing Words Your Small Business Should Be Using
Statistics show us that only 23.9% of sales emails are opened.