Tag: #COVID-19

The New Abnormal: Part Two

Part one of this series looked at how brands are reaching their customers in the “new abnormal” during the Coronavirus crisis. For part two, we’ll consider what brands must do to look after these customers and deliver an effective brand and user experience.

Searching For Opportunity: A Playbook

Like all of us, I was shocked and paralyzed with fear at the onset of the coronavirus crisis. However, I quickly moved from fear to opportunity. Two perspectives helped me make that mental shift.


In the Midst of a Crisis – What Role Must a Brand Play?

COVID-19 is showing us firsthand how global matters become local matters, impacting everything from financial markets to local choices on how people do their jobs or how they pack their pantries, and how to live in a community while maintaining social distance from each other.


Starting My New Creative Job During a Global Pandemic

Ask a creative what it’s like at a new agency and the answer is usually ‘same shit, different place’. But then a virus turned the world upside down and everything changed. A week or so after lockdown, I started a new job as a senior creative at AML Group. With working from home now the new normal, would it be a case of different shit, same place?

Adjusting to the New Abnormal

As the coronavirus crisis deepens, digital-first organisations have an opportunity to flourish, and we are committed to keeping the economy moving by sharing our expertise and helping businesses adjust to ‘the new abnormal’.

The State of Programmatic in COVID-19 Times

This is an attempt to take a brief overview of what impact these changes have on programmatic advertising as of now, several tactics helping brands to adapt (or at least stay lean and flexible as much as possible), and key events to watch in order to calibrate further strategies.