Tag: #COVID-19

Declaring War On ‘Brand Safety’ Misinformation

We need to declare war on misinformation. And I’m not talking about bogus Covid-19 cures. I’m talking about “Brand Safety” – and what seems to be an insidious, concerted effort among vendors to pull the wool over CMOs eyes.

Solidarity: The French Marketing Industry in the Time of Covid-19

The societal and economic impact of a global pandemic can best be absorbed with a clear-eyed mix of triage and investment for the future.  In France, a greater sense of shared business interest in the ad industry is emerging, which makes sense in a country with a historical legacy of a social safety net for citizens and businesses.

CCPA Isn’t Taking A COVID-19 Hiatus

Since the reality of COVID-19 set in, every economic sector has been working tirelessly to adapt and survive. Read more on why brands can’t afford to postpone a long-term solution for customer data.

Time to Embrace Nature During COVID-19

Despite all the hardship it brings, the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown are also giving some of us luckier ones the opportunity to step back, reflect upon, and reprioritize what really matters.