We’ve said it before, but it’s a good time to be a consumer. The product landscape is flooded with variety and options, and it seems like the number of channels shoppers can use to access those options are constantly expanding. These challenges alone set the stakes pretty high for brands looking to stand out.
But in addition to product choice and access to products, shopping behavior is changing. U.S. consumers are making fewer trips and their baskets are smaller. Even so, a majority of shopping decisions are still made in store—right at the shelf. But everyone knows it takes more than just good shelf placement to land in someone’s shopping basket.
In this episode, we’re exploring what it takes to be a brand in today’s marketplace, as well as how brand marketers can use consumer data and technology to their advantage when it comes to engagement and campaign execution. We’ll also explore the private-label space, where the tides have been shifting away from multinational brands in recent years.
Our guests in this episode include Leslie Wood, Chief Researcher at Nielsen Catalina Solutions, Linghan Wang, Senior Manager of Research and Development at Nielsen Catalina Solutions, Brett House, VP of Product Marketing and Strategy at Nielsen, and Lauren Fernandes, Manager of Strategy and Analytics at Nielsen.
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This article was originally published on Nielsen.com.